Resolved -
Email deliveries to Outlook are still taking longer than expected. Our provider is working on this together with Microsoft.
Feb 12, 05:56 UTC
Update -
The emails to Outlook users are coming through, still at a slower rate than usual. The email provider has acknowledged the issue and is actively working on it.
Feb 11, 18:46 UTC
Update -
The emails to Outlook users are now coming through (but at a slower rate than usual).
Feb 11, 16:16 UTC
Identified -
Our email provider has a delay delivering emails to Outlook users. We've let them know about the issue and are closely monitoring the situation as they are trying to address it on their end.
All other email recipients are unaffected.
Feb 11, 14:46 UTC
Investigating -
We are currently investigating this issue.
Feb 11, 14:16 UTC